Summer Care

Hello Families!

Summer Care Registration is officially open! Summer Care takes place from May 28-August 14th from 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM Daily.

Registration costs $25.00 per student.

Summer Care is $45.00 a day, there is not a multi student discount.

You are ONLY BILLED for the days you are in attendance.

Please make sure to look at the Billing Schedule in the Summer Care Handbook.

Summer Care will be continuing field trips on Wednesdays, continuing walking field trips on Fridays and adding some additional field trip days on Mondays throughout the summer with more details to come at a later date.

Summer Care is closed on Monday, May 27th, Wednesday, June 19th and Thursday, July 4th.

Students must have attended Heyworth during the 23-24 School Year and be going into PK-6th Grade in order to attend.

Make sure you check out the 2-page summer care handbook with more details! This can be found on our website under Families>Before and After/Summer Care Programs

If you have further questions or trouble registering, please email Maggie Gebhardt at

Thank you!